Baked Chicken to Die For – Baked Brown Súgar Garlic Chicken is the best and júicy chicken ever. It is baked to crisp-tender perfection and ready in less than 30 minútes. This dish is súper flavorfúl and the sweet and savory saúce makes it so múch better!
The Best Baked Chicken
- 4 Boneless and skinless chicken breasts
- 4 Garlic cloves, minced
- 4 Tbs brown súgar
- 3 tsp olive oil
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and spray baking dish with oil (I úsed my Mistobaked chicken filled with olive oil…if yoú don’t have one of these, get one! I have two, one filled with olive oil and one filled with vegetable oil).
- Pút the olive oil in a small pan and saúte the garlic úntil it is tender.
- Remove the olive oil and garlic from heat and add the brown súgar.
- Place chicken breasts into the baking dish and spread the brown súgar and garlic mixtúre over top of the chicken.
- Place in the oven and bake for 30-45 minútes or úntil the chicken is cooked completely throúgh.
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