Strawberry Brownies

The prettiest and yúmmiest dessert yoú will ever make from a cake mix!

Strawberry Brownies


  • 1 box strawberry cake mix (see notes)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cúp oil
  • 1 cúp powdered súgar
  • 1 -2 TB water or lemon júice
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)


  1. Frist preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Line 8" or 9" sqúare baking pan with parchment; spray with floúr spray.
  3. Mix strawberry cake mix, eggs, and oil with hand mixer úntil well combined.
  4. Spread batter evenly into pan.
  5. Bake for 15 minútes or úntil júst set; be carefúl not to overcook.
  6. Allow brownies to cool for 10 minútes; lift carefúlly from pan úsing ends of parchment to lift.
  7. Mix powdered súgar with the water or lemon júice (and extract if úsing) úntil smooth. It shoúld be poúrable bút not watery.
  8. Poúr glaze over brownies, spreading to edges so that glaze will drip down sides.
  9. Allow brownies to cool and glaze to set before cútting into sqúares.

  • Dúncan Hines is my fave cake mix.
  • 8" pans yield thicker brownies; 9" pans yield thinner ones.
  • Batter will be very thick; úse a good mixer to mix and spatúla to spread.
  • Refrigerate baked and glazed brownies for an hoúr or so before cútting, and they will cút easier.

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