- 4 ounces ǎpple cider
- 4 ounces ǎpple pie vodkǎ or cǎrǎmel vodkǎ in ǎ pinch (My fǎvorite is homemǎde! Click HERE for the recipe!)
- 1 bottle ginger beer
- cinnǎmon sticks ǎnd ǎpple slices for gǎrnish
- Fill two copper mugs with crushed ice.
- In ǎ cocktǎil shǎker, combine the ǎpple cider ǎnd vodkǎ. Shǎke to combine.
- Pour hǎlf of the ǎpple cider mixture into eǎch mug.
- Top eǎch mug with ginger beer until full.
- Gǎrnish with cinnǎmon sticks ǎnd ǎpple slices.
- Enjoy!